Of Interest to Academic Librarians and Library Users: Buy or Wait?

Academic librarian and e-book users face a dilemma that public librarians seldom do. Academic e-book titles titles seldom appear at the same time as the print version. Typically, there is a waiting period. With budgets under stress due to many reasons--perhaps not least the escalating costs of journals--few titles are likely to be acquired in both print and digital versions. So, is it best to buy right away and get timely access to content or wait for a digital version that may offer advantages in access and storage? Karen Kohn of Temple University has done an analysis to hep with the decision. She concludes (in part) the following: 

Publishing e‐books simultaneous with the print is still not the norm, despite some publishers’ stated intentions, and thus deciding what to do about delays is still an issue for libraries. This analysis of publication patterns can better equip libraries to make decisions about how long they will wait to see if an e‐book becomes available. This study shows that the older a print book gets, the more likely it is to have an electronic version, but that the largest gains in e‐book availability come during the first few weeks after the print publication. Waiting for an e‐book becomes less worthwhile the longer the wait. While 47.85% of books are available as e‐books fourteen days after the print, it is not until day 101 that the percentage tops seventy‐five percent. Libraries wishing to review their wait periods based on the data provided here will most likely choose a wait period between eight and thirty‐six days. After thirty‐six days, continuing to wait is usually not worthwhile, unless a particular school or program has such a strong preference for e‐books that print is not considered to be useful.   

ReadersFirst is glad for the increased understanding Ms. Kohn brings to the subject and encourages investigating her study.

Pay Authors for Library e-Book Use?

In a guest post on The Digital ReaderRita Matulionyte discusses the practice of Public Lending Rights (PLR), under which authors (and publishers) are paid when patrons check out library items. This practice is commonplace in Europe, Canada, and (for print) Australia. Her focus is on why Australia might consider the practice for e-books as well.

"But e-book lending is increasing and, according to the Australian Library and Information Association, e-books are likely to reach 20% of library holdings by 2020. Also, most, if not all, self-published titles are done so in digital format only. Such self-published titles, if lent by libraries, would not qualify for any remuneration.

For this reason, authors and publishers have been lobbying the Government to extend the Lending Rights Schemes to e-books. Although the Book Industry Collaborative Council made such proposal already in a report of 2013, nothing has happened of yet.

One of the main reasons why e-books are not covered is that e-book lending is quite different from print book lending. In case of print books, authors and publishers are arguably losing on customers and revenues when libraries loan their books for free.

At present, in the case of e-books, many publishers chose not to sell these books to libraries. Also, publishers assume that libraries will lend e-books to many readers so they often charge libraries three or more times the price that consumers are paying for the same e-books.

While publishers charge libraries high prices for e-books, writers complain that these amounts do not reach them. Publishing contracts often don’t specify whether and how much authors receive for e-books sales or for e-lending."

She concludes that applying PLR to e-books could help authors and the Aussie publishing industry but would not be enough to make a measurable difference in the current Australian political situation.

In U.S. Libraries, with our strong commitment to Right of First Sale, PLR is anathema.

Or is it?

 While most U.S. librarians may have begun as First Sale absolutists, for digital content at least many have changed their minds. The 26 circ lease model, much decried at the time (I’ve been told some people in publishing even lost jobs over it), has in fact proven to be perhaps our best digital content model-–far better than outright ownership given that we must often get multiple copies to satisfy demand for popular titles under a one-user circ model. Putting a time limit (one year or two) on this model can create issues, but it is still solid compared to most alternatives.

Libraries also have a tradition of supporting authors. If we could work out a model under which authors got paid a fair price per use for e-books, I doubt many librarians would object.

Let’s identify the real problem source of the issue in the U.S.: not authors, not libraries, but publishers. That is from whom we are (through vendors) typically leasing content. The prices for best sellers are exorbitant; as pointed out in the post above, it is by no means certain that the extra money is going to the authors. The current use models are not beneficial and do not allow libraries to take advantage of e-book full possibilities.

Perhaps authors and librarians could find common cause, advocating for a pay-per-use or subscription model that allowed authors to be fairly paid per download while freeing librarians to circ e-book content without restrictions. Some publishers are already using such a model with library vendors and don’t seem to be losing their shirts. This model is working in libraries for audiobook, music, and video content. Why not e-books? The ALA’s Digital Content Working Group has approached the Big 5 to explore such models, but, with one or two small experiments excepted, has mostly been stalled or ignored. We could perhaps start with backlists and, once established as effective, expand the model. Perhaps publishers could offer a variety of use models, depending on the title, its likely popularity, and potential staying power.

Authors, we like you to get paid. Many libraries are working to forge beneficial relationships with local writers to get them noticed and earn some sales. Why not join us? Push for more open models. Let’s saw through the mind-forged manacles. We have nothing to lose but limited circs and inequitable distribution of revenue.

ReadersFirst wishes all a joyous holiday and a prosperous 2017. Santa, if we could have anything, it would be a year in which the library e-Content experience gets even better (look for big news from NISO and LEAP as early as January) and librarians, authors. publishers, and vendors all sat down for a big feast to share, promote common interests, and promulgate a variety of flexible e-book models that let us increase circulation, getting more content into the hands of more users while being fair to the authors and publishers who produce that content. 


Another Study: Reading Comprehension on the Small Screen

Nate Hoffelder at The Digital Reader has referenced yet another study about reading comprehension on mobile-sized screens.  The study, from Neilson Norman, contradicts prior research that suggested readers comprehend less well when reading on a smaller screen when compared to a full-sized monitor.

"In our research, conducted six years later, we found a surprisingly different result. We asked 276 participants to read a variety of articles on various topics on either a mobile phone or a personal computer. Some of the articles were easy and some were difficult. After each article, we asked participants to answer a few questions to measure their level of comprehension of the content. We found no practical differences in the comprehension scores of the participants, whether they were reading on a mobile device or a computer." 

A summary:  overall, comprehension scores were slightly higher on mobile, but reading was also slightly slower. "It may be the case" that comprehension of "very difficult" content may be more difficult on smaller screens, but (as always it seems) "More research is needed to know if this effect is real"

Hoffeleder is "not surprised to read about the different results nor am I puzzled by the conflicting research. The differences can be explained by the differences in reading material used for the studies, and by improvements in mobile tech over the past six years."

If the reading experience on mobile-sized screens (on which most library e-books are read) has improved with technology, excellent.  RF would be interested in seeing a study that compared comprehension of fiction and non-fiction e-books typically available from libraries, at different reading levels, in print, monitor, and mobile (e-ink and otherwise), to see if this study's results could be replicated and if the many claims that print comprehension outstrips digital might be tested. Any library researchers out there up for the task?     

E-content at ALA Midwinter: The Place to Be!

Some informative sessions on e-books and e-content in general are happening at ALA Midwinter. If you are going to be there and are interested in digital content, check out the following.  Learn about the latest developments of SimplyE, the "one app to rule them all," and the LEAP partnership that is launching it. The Association of Specialized & Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA) consortial e-books group is a great way to keep up news and to make a difference. ALA Digital Content Working Group is exploring ways ALA can make a difference in digital content for libraries. Listen to Anthony Marx's visionary thoughts on how libraries can help shape the digital future, learn how the Open eBooks app is helping to bridge the digital divide, or join the cause and "Collude! Resist! Collaborate!" on "Ebook Strategies for the Modern Revolutionary." It's wealth of digital information brought to you in real-time non-virtual reality.  Be there!     

      Friday, January 20

Meeting: SimplyE for Consortia Advisory Group

Time: 9:00am - 10:30am

Location: Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) Room B216

Meeting: Open content discussion (OPEN)

Time: 10:30-12:00

Location: Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) Room B216

Description: Unstructured discussion for people working on open access collections

Meeting: ASCLA Consortial Interest Ebook Group

Time: 2:30pm-4:00pm

Location: Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) Room B216

Saturday, January 21

Meeting: LEAP Partners

Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm

Location: Atlanta-Fulton Central Library

Proposed Agenda

Meeting: ALA Digital Content Working Group

Time:  4:40 – 6:30 PM

Location: Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) Room A303


Sunday, January 22

Presentation: Charting Libraries’ Digital Futures: A Conversation with New York Public Library’s Anthony W. Marx

Participants: Anthony Marx, NYPL

Time: 10:00am - 11:00am

Location: Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) Room A411/A412b

Presentation: "Bridging the Digital Divide with Open eBooks"

Participants: Michelle Bickert, DPLA; James English, NYPL; Baker & Taylor; Clever

Time: 10:30am - 11:30am

Location: TBD

Panel: Collude! Resist! Collaborate! Ebook Strategies for the Modern Revolutionary

Participants: Veronda Pitchford, RAILS; Paula MacKinnon, Califa; Steve Spohn, MLS

Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm

Location: TBD


Results from a Survey on SimplyE

SimplyE, frequently mentioned on this page, has been the subject of a user survey by Minitex. We are told that Minitex is hiring program developers who will meet with developers from NYPL to enhance the app, adding capabilities such as annotation, documentation, and PDF compatibility that will make it more suited for academic use.

Here is an executive summary, with thanks to Minitex Director Valerie Horton:

SimplyE Awareness Survey Executive Summary
November 2016

As outlined in the SimplyE for Consortia grant to IMLS, Minitex with support from grant partners (DPLA, NYPL, MLS, RAILS, and others) designed and implemented a pre-test survey of librarians on ebooks. Respondents were asked to rate their awareness of SimplyE and related projects; rank desired features in library ebook systems; and describe ebook technology in their library. The survey was distributed broadly via mailing lists and social channels. The survey was open for one month and received 394 responses from the library community. 

Respondent profile
Roughly half of respondents were from public libraries (51%), followed by consortia (12%), academic libraries (6%); 31% belonged to another library type or declined to answer. 

Respondents are not familiar with [the project name] SimplyE
Survey respondents were more familiar with the term SimplyE than any other project name, but not by much. All projects had a majority response of ‘Not At All Familiar,’ with the best known, SimplyE with a high 67% unfamiliar rating. Respondents were shown a link to the Library Simplified site (www.librarysimplified.org) both before and after the survey. 

Respondents open to launching SimplyE and need more information
Given the lack of awareness, only 29% of respondents were likely or extremely likely to launch SimplyE,  Among respondents who answered about hurdles to launch, top concerns included staff time, cost, and training patrons to use a new app. Only 11.9% were unlikely or extremely unlikely to launch, and those who said they would not launch felt they needed more information or were still evaluating. Partners on the LEAP and SimplyE for Consortia grant disclosed their timeline.

Feature rank insights
Respondents ranked features grouped by type.  These features will be used to inform the Advisory Committee and the development team’s priorities. Desired features include audiobook compatibility; patron notification of available title; ability to search throughout book; and access to related works. 

Current ebook usage in libraries
Public libraries overwhelmingly use OverDrive (88%) as at least one of their ebook platforms. Other popular platforms include Axis360 (29%), OneClick Digital (23%), EBSCO (21%), BiblioBoard (18%) and Bibliotecha/3M Cloud Library. A majority of academic library respondents use Ebsco (65%) and Gale (54%). Consortia answering on behalf of member libraries reflected similar findings.

Respondents were supportive of making library ebook systems available on a wide variety of platforms. Kindle and Desktop versions of an app were ranked most important but respondents overwhelmingly saw a need for all. The survey did not list iOS and Android as an option, which respondents corrected in the ‘Other’ field. 

The most-used integrated library systems include Innovative Interfaces systems and SirsiDynix. Respondents were generally unaware of or did not promote the importance of authenticating through non-ILS systems, though of the options EZProxy was most used in libraries. 

Respondents mixed on their satisfaction with library ebook systems; prioritize goals that help patrons over staff
Respondents were fairly well divided on their opinions about ebook system with satisfied (37.5%), neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (29.7%), and dissatisfied (27%). Patron-focused goals all had greatest weight on ‘Very Important’ while staff goals all had greatest weight on ‘Important.”

These responses will both guide future development and outreach decisions, as well as help measure the grant outcome of increasing awareness of SimplyE. SimplyE is built by libraries, for libraries, and SimplyE for Consortia grant partners are grateful to the community for this feedback.  We wish to thank those of you who responded to the survey.  We will be doing a follow-up survey in 2018. 

A few other tentative conclusions are possible from the results:

  • There is a place for a truly good library eBook app: with only37.%% of those surveyed satisfied with their current systems--and the survey is likely to have been taken by those who have self-selected for an interest in library technology--some 2/3 of librarians want something better. 
  • The power of SimplyE to provide interoperability in a library-owned and branded app is attractive. Its features are admired in theory. Getting away from vendor-branded apps that privilege content provided by the vendor is desirable for librarians. Since the app is very much on the right track, RF looks forward to its continued development and encourages librarians to investigate. Interest is picking up, with California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and Rhode Island all investigating consortial adoption and Brooklyn going live with a 2.0 version of the app in January of 2108.  Look for more developments soon!


A Library Copyright Statement about E-books

Paula McKinnon, Interim Director of Califa, has released a statement on copyright of library digital content that ReadersFirst strongly supports. Here it is.  RF encourages you to support copyright reform to benefit libraries as we try to share content in an increasingly digital world. Look for ways to get involved on this website and in news that will spread in the library world.

“We need your help!

As we all know, libraries have a great track record as stewards of the public good by encouraging the expansion of knowledge through sharing and preserving access to copyrighted and public domain printed works. We buy stuff. We put it on public shelves. We promote it. We lend it. We take care of it. 

With digital works, things are less clear.  The Copyright Office is taking input (in private) and talking about rewriting key parts of the act (with specific focus on Section 108 – the “exceptions” for libraries and archives), that could potentially change our role, access and ownership of the resources we buy for our constituencies and the public good.

Links for more info:

o   From the Washington Office District Dispatch http://www.districtdispatch.org/2016/07/top-secret-hush-hush/

o   From ARL http://policynotes.arl.org/?p=1408

o   From the Society of American Archivists http://www2.archivists.org/saa-statement-on-draft-revision-of-section-108#.V7NzsaKrKao

o   From the University of Virginia http://news.library.virginia.edu/2016/08/16/virginia-university-libraries-tell-congress-needless-copyright-revision-could-threaten-our-mission/

Califa has prepared a Copyright Reform Statement (attached) from a library ebook (and more generally, epublications) perspective.  Our goal at Califa is to get the ball rolling and for the library industry to make our collective voices heard regarding the impact of these issues, specifically around ebooks. How? By having libraries and library organizations sign on to this statement.  Our goal is also to educate and inform library staff about the implications of copyright reform for libraries and to get the word out about the issues and solutions.

What’s the problem? Libraries don’t own the epublications we’re purchasing because of non-negotiable licensing terms. Where print materials that we purchase sit safely on library shelves without threat of being rendered inaccessible by any third party; this is not the case for ebooks.  We can’t put them on our own eshelves. We can’t ensure access to the public despite purchasing the content for public use and agreeing to established DRM terms. We are pouring money into epub collections that can be made inaccessible based on third party and/or publisher licensing terms. And we aren’t afforded the opportunity to negotiate these terms.

What’s the solution?  Publishers and ebook vendors should negotiate acceptable licensing terms with libraries rather than present terms that offer libraries 2 choices: a) accept the terms or b) don’t provide access to the materials through the public library. Let libraries own what they purchase. Let libraries host their own purchased content on platforms that conform to DRM standards. And amend copyright law to ensure licensing terms do not ‘trump’ copyright exceptions, provisions and fair use protections.   

Let’s discuss!

What are your thoughts about this issue, about this statement, about what we can and should be doing while this topic is beginning to glow white hot?

We have had several partners agree to sign on to this statement including RAILS, State Library of CT and Readers First. Others are running it by their respective boards.  Will you consider signing on and spreading the word within your organization and membership?

And we have put together some ideas to help spread the word:

·         Post on Readers First (Done! :-)

·         Post to change.org and point to it from many places so that the public and library/archive/museum/publishing professionals can sign;

·         Distribute to our respective consortial members.

·         Post on our websites / social media –create a hashtag campaign to continue the conversation online

·         Send to Copyright Office

·         Publish articles in state and national library publications

·         Start conversations with your ebook vendors to see where they stand or send to ebook vendors and publishers for their comment/support.

Other suggestions? We need your voice!

I look forward to our conversation and shared learning around copyright reform

Bias at the Copyright Office?

ReadersFirst wishes to spread the word about tomorrow's ALA Office of the President's Copyright Education Subcommittee's CopyTalk:

“Regulatory capture occurs when a government agency ‘is consistently or repeatedly directed away from the public interest and toward the interests of the regulated industry, by the intent and action of the industry itself.’1 This risk of ‘persistent policy bias” is ‘widely accepted, not only by public interest lawyers, but by academic critics, legislators, judges, and even by some agency members.’2 For example, in a recent series of essays, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Mike Lee, and Sheldon Whitehouse all agree that regulatory capture is a serious and pervasive problem.3

This report examines regulatory capture—both its sources and its consequences—at the U.S. Copyright Office. Capture at the Office is widely recognized among many copyright practitioners and stakeholders. As Professor Jessica Litman noted in 2006, ‘the Copyright Office has tended to view copyright owners as its real constituency, and has spent the past ten years moving firmly into the content industry’s pocket’—a statement that still holds true today.4” 

Here's the word from Alan S. Inouye:

At the next CopyTalk – which is this Thursday, November 3rd – Staff attorney Meredith Rose from Public Knowledge will discuss their report, “Captured: Systemic Bias at the U.S. Copyright Office.” Meredith will talk about the position and role of the Copyright Office, the influence of industry groups on Copyright Office policy positions, and what libraries and other groups can do to make sure their needs are reflected in Office policy going forward. 

Meredith’s work focuses telecommunications regulatory matters as well as copyright. Prior to working at PK, Meredith was a University of Chicago Public Service fellow with the Center for Economic Progress, and worked on consumer policy issues at the Federal Communications Commission, the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue, and Knowledge Ecology International. Meredith received her J.D. and A.B. from the University of Chicago. When not in the office, she’s an avid video gamer and desert hiker.

With the Register of Copyrights resigning from the Copyright Office just last week, this CopyTalk is well timed!

Day/Time: Thursday, November 3rd at 2pm Eastern/11am Pacific for our hour long free webinar.

Go to http://ala.adobeconnect.com/copytalk/ and sign in as a guest. You’re in.


The View From D.C. Public

Nate Hoffelder at The Digital Reader has offered a guest posting from Kate Rabinowitz that describes Washington D.C. Public Library's collection

"Our reading habits are evolving with technology. Want proof? DC's public library system's book collection is a lot smaller than it used to be, but it's got far more e-books and audio and visual resources."

Given the self-fulfilling prophecies we are hearing from many publishers about the death of the e-book, it is refreshing to see some statistics from a major urban library setting the record straight about what is happening in libraries. While it would have been nice to see some usage statistics to further support the claim that digital collection are growing in importance and offer many benefits in space allocation as well as convenience of use, what is happening in the District's libraries is descriptive of libraries all over the country. We are increasingly becoming people spaces and not book warehouses, and use of digital content continues to grow. Especially if we could implement a better business model offering some form of simultaneous access for popular titles, e-content will occupy more of our collections and eventually become the preferred library medium, in spite of trends in consumer buying. What will libraries look like in 20 years? More digital, less physical, more innovative use of spaces all seem likely bets.

Important Library Funding Bill

ReadersFirst strongly advocates renewing IMLS funding. Many of our members have used IMPLS grants to make a streamlined and interoperable e-content experience a reality.

Every year, nearly $200 million in federal library funding is awarded to every state in the nation by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). IMLS can do that work, and gets the funding it needs, in no small measure because Congress passed and periodically "reauthorizes" the Museum and Library Services Act. It's time for Congress to renew that important landmark legislation again and library champions in the Senate have just introduced a bill, S. 3391, to do exactly that. With just a few weeks remaining after the November elections to get it passed, however, we need to help them help us by getting as many other Senators to "co-sponsor" S. 3391 as possible.  

Please, don't wait until November. Act now to email or call your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor S. 3391, the Museum and Library Services Act, as soon as they get back to Washington.

The more cosponsors we can get, the better the odds that the key Senate "HELP" Committee will act on the bill when the Senate returns so that the full Senate will have the chance to approve it before the 114th Congress comes to a close in December.

 Send an Email  Make a Call 

Talking Points:

  • S. 3391 is a bi-partisan bill with broad support from the library and museum communities, and in Congress;
  • S. 3391 requires the use of data driven tools, including research, analysis and modeling, evaluation, and dissemination to assess and assure the impact and effectiveness of funded programs;
  • S. 3391 highlights the role of libraries as community hubs, equipped to meet ever evolving community needs, including: literacy, education, lifelong learning, workforce development, economic and business development, digital literacy skills critical thinking, financial literacy skills and new and emerging technology; and

S. 3391 will enhance IMLS' collaborative efforts by expanding the number of federal agencies able to fully leverage the role of libraries and museums in supporting and meeting the needs of Americans.

Not All Rumors are True, Of Course

Rumors are circulating that OverDrive is not promising renewing customers continued access to Kindle format titles. This has promoted speculation that the OverDrive/Amazon partnership may be ending or at least changing.

Members of ReadersFirst have been investigating and can state that OverDrive at east is planning no changes. Here is a typical statement:

“I can confirm that there are no changes to our relationship with Amazon and no changes to our service. 
Also, I just also want to clarify, because there is misinformation going around, that the only thing patrons need in order to borrow books from OverDrive is a valid library card. Just want you to be able to speak confidently about this when you hear mutterings that are untrue.”

RF is glad to hear that access to Kindle format will continue. We believe that EPUB gives a better reading experience and great possibilities to foster interoperability of library e-content than proprietary formats like Kindle/MOBI. Still, the market being what it is, we understand some library readers rely on Kindle e-ink devices and wish them continued reading pleasure.
RF wishes Amazon would consider partnering with other major library e-book providers, even though we think a better practice for libraries is not to send users outside the library realm. As long as some users have access, why not all? Other vendors also have customers that might well wish to access titles in Kindle format. It seems unlikely that even Amazon doesn’t want more people visiting its site. How about it, Mr. Bezos?