Not All Rumors are True, Of Course
/Rumors are circulating that OverDrive is not promising renewing customers continued access to Kindle format titles. This has promoted speculation that the OverDrive/Amazon partnership may be ending or at least changing.
Members of ReadersFirst have been investigating and can state that OverDrive at east is planning no changes. Here is a typical statement:
“I can confirm that there are no changes to our relationship with Amazon and no changes to our service.
Also, I just also want to clarify, because there is misinformation going around, that the only thing patrons need in order to borrow books from OverDrive is a valid library card. Just want you to be able to speak confidently about this when you hear mutterings that are untrue.”
RF is glad to hear that access to Kindle format will continue. We believe that EPUB gives a better reading experience and great possibilities to foster interoperability of library e-content than proprietary formats like Kindle/MOBI. Still, the market being what it is, we understand some library readers rely on Kindle e-ink devices and wish them continued reading pleasure.
RF wishes Amazon would consider partnering with other major library e-book providers, even though we think a better practice for libraries is not to send users outside the library realm. As long as some users have access, why not all? Other vendors also have customers that might well wish to access titles in Kindle format. It seems unlikely that even Amazon doesn’t want more people visiting its site. How about it, Mr. Bezos?