eBook Study Group's Juliya Ziskina featured in SPARC

We are excited to share that library advocate Juliya Ziskina was recently featured in SPARC Online's impact stories. Here is a snippet:

"In law school, Yuliya Ziskina helped write the playbook on open access advocacy for students. As an attorney, she uses her expertise to push for policies that enable libraries to fulfill their mission to the public. She’s also leveraged her advocacy skills as a global leader on making the case for repurposing Russian state assets to compensate Ukraine."

(We checked with her and verified that she uses both Juliya and Yuliya)

Readers First members may know Juliya from her work as a fellow with Library Futures in 2022. Or, you may have encountered her more recently volunteering her legal expertise with eBook Study Group, helping libraries across the country draft legislation to address our challenges with digital library book licenses.

It is inspiring to learn that she also volunteers her expertise as an attorney in several ways on behalf of Ukraine. Juliya says, “Our democracy starts with available information, and public access to research and knowledge…This is the fundamental way that we protect our civil rights and our civil liberties." (She sounds like a librarian!) Juliya, thank you for your tireless efforts!