A Must-read Paper From Harvard

Why is this seemingly commonsense sentence so very important? “nothing . . . prevents a library or archives from participating in interlibrary arrangements.”

Why is it so important for libraries to put a copyright notice on photocopiers?

How is a “coursepack” different from a library “reserve,” and why is that important?

Many librarians—most?—could use a basic primer on copyright as it applies to libraries. In 2023’s "The Publisher Playbook: A Brief History of the Publishing Industry’s Obstruction of the Library Mission,” Kyle Courtney and Juliya Ziskina have not only produced a readable account but also a spirted celebration of how U.S. courts have largely stood up for fair use in support of libraries against ongoing efforts by publishers to control access and restrict fair use.

In light of continued efforts to control basic library function in the digital age and to price libraries out of the digital market with unfair license terms, this work is a must-read for librarians who want to understand how and why we need to fight for continued access today.

Find a link to it here.