Fight for the Future: "Stop Grinching Libraries"

The good folks at Fight for the Future are calling out the Association of American Publishers (AAP) to change course:

  1. Stop acting as legal counsel for the publishers who are suing the Internet Archive

  2. Announce an end to massive anti-library lobbying expenditures

  3. Stop celebrating public figures who threaten marginalized voices

My experience with the AAP, which seemed perfectly happy to spread mis/disinformation in the Maryland ebook lawsuit, is that they will simply claim it’s all an attack by unwitting stooges acting as cats-paws for Big Tech to destroy copyright and the publishing industry. But hey, why not clap back! Join the principled opposition. Show that you recognize that libraries are being shafted by unfair terms as the publishers extort us, using outmoded copyright laws to milk public coffers because our patrons very much want to read in digital. The question is rapidly becoming, can we afford to support digital sustainably; many libraries are having to cut back. The AAP won’t be budged, but our voices should be heard. Change will be long in coming—we are up against billions in mega-corp power— but library users deserve no less.

Sign the petition here.