A Student Asks for Help With an EBook Study
/Hyba Ouazzani of Cardiff Metropolitan University in Wales has asked ReadersFirst for help in bringing attention to a survey. ReadersFirst is always interested in promoting research and so posts the following:
“As part of my programme requirements, I am undertaking a study on the viability of enhanced fiction ebooks in the digital publishing industry.
A large part of my research will be based on survey responses from readers of fiction from all over the world, and I was hoping that, as your organization works with ebooks and making them more accessible and available to libraries, you could share my survey with the Readers First staff and/or community by sharing the following link: https://forms.gle/fJ3gBtdebMMrNuuv5 It would be invaluable to my research efforts.
The survey is in English and can be shared via whatever channels you deem most appropriate. I do not require any mailing lists or other contact information; you can share it at your discretion with members of your community and/or staff who you feel might be interested in responding to the survey.
Participants will have the choice of receiving a copy of my eerie suspense ebook, Apartment, as a thank-you gift at the end of the survey.”
Participants will receive information about how the data collected will be used, how respondents’ privacy will be maintained, and the rights of participants to withdraw from the study. An ethics approval for this study is available.
RF wishes Ms. Ouazzani success with her studies and will post the results of this survey should she decide to share them.