New York Legislation Flies Over First Hurdle

The New York Library Association (NYLA) has tweeted that the “#ebooks4all” bill has passed its first legislative vote: “After a short debate in the Assembly, #EBooks4All passed. Your voice made an impact. In the final hrs of Session, if you haven't yet, reach out to your NYS Senator & urge them to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Let’s bring #EBooks4All to NY!

RF congratulates NYLA on this important first step. The bill, which will require publishers offering ebooks and digital audio to residents of New York to also offer those titles to libraries under reasonable terms, follows legislation passed in Maryland and re-introduced in Rhode Island. We are pleased that it passed unanimously!

It will help prevent content from being withheld from library readers either completely or for months after printing.

It is unfortunate that such legislation is needed, but we hope these laws will herald a new era of cooperation.

RF strongly encourages all residents of New York to support this important legislation!