BISG hosts The Library-Publisher Relationship: Increasing Readership Through Collaboration

On May 4, 1 PM Eastern Time, Book Industry Study Group is sponsoring a panel discussion that may be of interest to those engaged with library digital content.

The Library-Publisher Relationship: Increasing Readership Through Collaboration

BISG is pleased to convene a conversation about the symbiotic relationship between libraries and book publishers. Libraries and publishing companies share the same goals: increasing audience and serving readers. We’ll be exploring ways that all can optimize processes and improve partnerships.

What do libraries wish publishers knew? What do book publishers wish libraries knew? How might the two segments work together more efficiently to benefit library patrons and those who support them?

From metadata to marketing, author events and seasonal offerings, communication and collaboration, we’ll hear some common pain points and potential solutions from experts on both sides of the equation. 

RF hopes that this might be a chance for an open conversation on implementing flexible digital content license models.

Register here

RF has bene told there is a $25 registration fee. RF does not benefit.