News about CDL from The Internet Archive

Controlled Digital Lending (CDL) remains in the news. While there is no sign that 4 large publishers are dropping their suit against the internet Archive (IA), the IA has shown how one publishers is using CDL for discovery of titles and driving sales:

Small Publisher Embraces Controlled

Digital Lending to Connect With New Readers. Jason C. McDonald, author and publisher at AJ Charleson Publishing LLC, recently made three books available through Controlled Digital Lending.  Said McDonald, “I really support libraries and Internet Archive’s lending program is basically an international library. It spans borders. The whole purpose is to get these resources into the hands of people that need them in a way that is controlled — and it’s free.”

Also in the news, the IA congratulates and associate for winning Public Knowledge’s IP3 Award:

Knocking Down the Barriers to Knowledge: Lila Bailey Wins IP3 Award. Lila Bailey, Policy Counsel at Internet Archive, has been awarded the IP3 award by Public Knowledge for her significant contributions in the area of intellectual property. Said Chris Lewis, President and CEO of Public Knowledge, “Working at the intersection between copyright and information access, Lila has been instrumental in promoting equitable access to contemporary research through Controlled Digital Lending—the library lending practice currently under threat because of a legal challenge from large commercial publishers.”

Rf reiterates its support for CDL. Used properly, it promotes the exchange of information and preservation of texts without disadvantaging authors.