Macmillan extends its Content Use Guidelines through the end of 2020

Brian Heller, Vice President, Academic, Library, Wholesale, & International for Macmillan has emailed to announce that Macmillan has announced an extension of its Content Use Guidelines for Teachers, Librarians, and Parents until the end of the year.

“With many schools around the country closed, and more closing daily, Macmillan wants to support teachers, librarians and parents as they work to keep their students and children engaged with reading and learning via virtual classrooms and other forms of remote learning.

Using Our Content in Media During this emergency (through December 31, 2020), we have no objection to (1) teachers and librarians live streaming or posting videos reading our children’s books to their students, provided it is done on a noncommercial basis, and (2) authors live streaming or posting videos reading their children’s books, provided it is done on a noncommercial basis.”

RF thanks Mr. Heller for the news and Macmillan for working to make content more usable during the pandemic by those who need it.