Alan Inouye's ALA Public Policy & Advocacy Update, June 22
/Not as much of interest for digital content aficianados, but lots of interesting news:
Our program at the 2020 Virtual Event. Session on library advocacy and civic engagement, moderated by Rob Banks, Chair, ALA Committee on Legislation:
Several members of the ALA Policy Corps are participating in sessions at the Virtual Event:
Chair's Program - LRRT - Research Matters: Strengthening our Values, Defining Our Practice, with Ann Ewbank (Cohort I):
Making Your Library Sustainable for Your Community and Our Future (NMRT LIVE), with Ray Pun (Cohort II):
Retention efforts of minority librarians in librarianship from the perspectives of early, middle and advanced career librarians (health science, academic, public, school-media, and special libraries), also with Ray Pun:
Advocating for Your Library: The E’s of Libraries® and Collecting Stories, with Lori Fisher (Cohort II):
American Library Association joined The Leadership Conference & other groups to call on Congress to take swift action on meaningful police reform.
Federal Relief for School Libraries Will Require State and Local Advocacy, AASL KnowledgeQuest, by Kevin Maher & Megan Cusick
ALA joins statement led by National Coalition Against Censorship urging protection of 1st Amendment rights of journalists & demonstrators.
Authors Guild supports our federal ask for IMLS funding for coronavirus relief.
ALA joins letter led by the National League of Cities to urge Congress to step up for coronavirus recovery funding to support municipal governments.
PLA President Ramiro Salazar letter in the New York Times urging Congressional support for libraries for coronavirus recovery
ALA endorses the "Remote Learning During Covid-19 Initiative" spearheaded by the Schools, Health, and Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition and others.
ALA, with partners ARL and AALL submit comments to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget on proposed Revisions to Uniform Freedom of Information Act Fee Schedule and Guidelines (85 FR 26499). Letter from ALA with partners ARL and ACRL.
Ann Ewbank op-ed on broadband in the Bozeman (Mont.) Daily Chronicle. She is a member of the ALA Policy Corps.
Letter to the editor about the service of university libraries during the pandemic. Letter from Sara Benson, member of our ALA Policy Corps.
Letter to the editor on libraries and how they help during a national emergency and during the recovery phase--in Peninsula Daily News (Wash.). Also, Samantha Hines is a member of our ALA Policy Corps.
Article in The City (NYC): NYC Public Libraries Mull Grab-and-Go Book Pickup Service. Includes discussion of future directions for digital content and services.
Important aspects of the recent Sec. 512 report from the U.S. Copyright Office are problematic for us.
How COVID-19 is Affecting State Budgets & 2020 Elections
Managing vacancies in a new or second-term administration
New public policy head at the Association of Research Libraries
Digital Opportunity Equity Recognition (DOER) Program, created by FCC Commissioner Geoffrey Starks, to recognize those who have helped make quality affordable broadband available during this emergency.
How to Network When You Can’t Meet Up With People, Wall Street Journal
Small Businesses Tackle New PPP Puzzle: Forgiveness, Wall Street Journal
Christopher Cox predicts the significant ways academic libraries will shift in terms of collections, services, spaces and operations as a result of the pandemic.