CULC Endorses a ReadersFirst posted Position Paper
/As previously posed on ReadersFirst, Carmi Parker posted a detailed position paper on library digital lending. Ms. Parker is a member of our Working Group, but this paper is her work. ReadersFirst is, however, pleased to host it.
News has reached us that The Canadian Urban Library Council (CULC) has unanimously endorsed the paper, believing it to present useful evidence and a blueprint for moving forward to address library concerns about digital lending.
We are delighted to have the endorsement from CULC, which has proven itself to be a great advocate for improving the library digital content experience. Emboldened by it, we are moving forward to get similar endorsements from other stakeholders and hope we might make this paper a part of fruitful conversations with publishers. No, really! Hearing from publishers, especially representatives of the Big 5, about what they think might work and what will not would be very useful. What do we have to lose from honest conversation? Surely there is much to gain. More details will follow as they are available, if we can and others can foster conversations. Can we reach agreement on models that are fair, even if neither side will like everything? Surely with the pandemic continuing, demand rising, and publishers and libraries seeking answers, now is the time.