SimplyE for Consortia update and an ALA e-content calendar

Valerie Horton, CEO of MInitex, has provided an update on work on a more academic-oriented version of the SimplyE app.

A quick update on SimplyE for Consortia.  

We are deep in programming work right now.  Minitex is concentrating on adding academic and other features such as bookmarks, citations, and annotation.  After that we will start looking at different methods for supporting pdf formats. Minitex has loaded open textbooks into the app, but this function is not yet ready for testing.  We are also starting the process of setting up test installation with our partners in RAILS (IL), the Massachusetts Library System, and several public library systems in Minnesota.  We'll be back to you soon, seeking input.

In the almost year that SimplyE has been in operations at New York Public Library (NYPL), they have found that allowing librarians to select titles for the swim lanes flattens out the demand curve. This wonderful news means that NYPL can expose independent and local authors to more readers, and lower some of the pressures pushing up high hold queues.  

Brooklyn is now up on SimplyE through NYPL, and quite a few other states and consortia are near to going public.  I expect we’ll be seeing more news on implementation going live soon.

To this, please add that working with Datalogics, Califa (220 California Libraries) and Maryland are making progress on deployment and expect to have live instances launched before the end of summer.

From Michelle Bickert DPLA:

For those of you attending ALA Annual, we have a Wiki page listing meetings and sessions that may be of interest to our community. 


Library e-content continues its march to a better reader experience!