Another Way to Support Net Neutrality

American Libraries has published an update on the fight for Net Neutrality.

Here are some excepts on how to get involved:

"Net neutrality is the principle that internet service providers (ISPs) must enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source and without favoring or blocking specific services or websites. The American Library Association (ALA) has been on the front lines of the net neutrality battle with the FCC, Congress, and the federal courts for more than a decade, working in coalition with other library and higher education organizations as well as broader coalitions of net neutrality advocates."

The existing rules are crucial for public institutions like libraries. Now is the time to make your voice heard. The FCC will be accepting comments on its proposed rollback of these rules until July 17.

To leave a public comment on the FCC site:

  1. Go to the FCC’s page for filings related to the Restoring Internet Freedom proposal.
  2. Click on Express Comment in the middle of the page.
  3. In the Proceedings box, add 17-108 to associate your comment with the right proposal.
  4. Enter your name and address, and your comment. Note: This information will be publicly posted on the FCC’s website once it’s submitted and cannot be edited.

Tell the FCC why net neutrality matters to you as a librarian or information professional. The best stories are local, compelling, personal, relatively recent, and have details.

  • What digital content do you offer your community that might be relegated to “slow lanes” or might bring higher costs to the library if your vendors are forced to pay for prioritized delivery? (This may include ebooks, streaming media, interactive homework assistance, online language learning, and digital special collections.)
  • Do you offer no-fee Wi-Fi to patrons?
  • Do patrons use the internet at your library to access online government programs and services? Would deprioritized access hurt them?
  • Do patrons use the internet at your library to upload and share their own digital media, develop and support small businesses, use video conferencing, or collaborate online for school or research projects? What would slower service do to these activities?

ReadersFirst encourages all librarians and groups affiliated with libraries to comment in support!