Legislative Developments in Library Digital Content

Julie Holden, Assistant Director for Cranston Public Library has posted that the Rhode Island Library Association hosted a roundtable with Congressman David Cicilline. Cicilline, who has been getting notice for his investigation of the tech giants, said “As the Chairman of the House Antitrust Subcommittee leading a bipartisan investigation into the state of competition in the digital marketplace, I’m particularly interested in potentially anticompetitive practices harming libraries and their users, especially in Rhode Island. I’m grateful that the Rhode Island Library Association put together today’s roundtable so we could discuss these issues in detail. I look forward to continuing our work together as the investigation wraps up and legislative fixes are introduced later this year.”

Brianna McNamee, Director of Government Relations & Advocacy for the New York Library Association, notes that Senate Bill S7576 is in the New York Consumer Protection Committee. Sponsored by State Senator Rachel May, the bill has these provisions:

This bill amends the general business law by adding a new section 349-g that requires publishers to offer electronic books to public libraries under reasonable terms. Subsection one establishes definitions for elec- tronic books and publishers. Subsection two requires publishers to offer e-books to libraries on reasonable terms that permit libraries to provide patrons with access to said books. Subsection three defines what shall and shall not constitute reasonable terms for e-book licen- sure. Subsection four deems violations of this section as deceptive practices with applicable remedies. Section 2 sets the effective date.

ReadersFirst thanks Congressman Cicilline and Senator May for their advocacy and hopes for the passage of the legislation in New York. Having legislation in the state where many publishers are located would be a great step towards equity in access to digital content.

Other legislation or legal appeals appear to be in the offing. RF will report on them as details become available.