The Association of Specialized, Government, and Cooperative Library Agencies has released an update, as follows:
“Here’s more about ALA’s position on the issue.
The centerpiece of this campaign is a petition site, and before you read further GO SIGN IT! OK, you’re back and ready to keep reading? Cool – check out what we’ve done so far:
· 4,000+ uses of the hashtag #eBooksForAll to date on Twitter
· ALA’s Facebook livestream of the news conference – which featured Patrick Losinski. Chief Executive Officer, Columbus Metropolitan Library; Mary Ghikas; Ramiro S. Salazar, San Antonio Public Library Director and President of the Public Library Association; and Kent Oliver, Library Director, Nashville Public Library -- thus far has had 2.2K views, reached more than 8,300 people and had 300+ engagements.
· We got incredible exposure via earned media in the AP (with more than 2,600 news sites in the U.S. and Canada posting the piece) as well Slate, Publishers Weekly , EContent, and NPR Nashville -- with more stories to be posted soon.
· As of 4:00 today, we were at more than 5,000 signatures on our petition.
· We will be developing a suite of tools at in the next several days, and we’ll update you very soon when those are available.
In the meantime, we would be grateful for your help spreading the word. Here are some samples you can share with your teams/members/friends/family:
Macmillan Publishers is trying to limit your access to eBooks via your public library. Join readers and libraries across the country in opposing their new policy scheduled to begin November 1. Sign the #eBooksForAll petition now, and tell Macmillan that access to eBooks should not be delayed or denied:
.@MacmillanUSA is trying to limit your access to eBooks via your public library. Join @ALAlibrary & libraries across the country in opposing their new policy, scheduled to begin Nov 1. Sign the #eBooksForAll petition now:
Sample email/newsletter copy:
America’s libraries are committed to promoting literacy and a love of reading with diverse collections, programs and services for all ages. In an increasingly digital world, libraries are investing more in eBooks and downloadable media, and thousands of people discover and explore new and favorite authors through both digital and print collections.
But now one publisher has decided to limit readers’ access to new eBook titles. Beginning November 1, 2019, Macmillan Publishers will allow libraries to purchase only one copy of each new eBook title for the first eight weeks after a book’s release.
Libraries and readers alike cannot stay silent!
The American Library Association and libraries across the country are asking you to voice your opposition to Macmillan's new policy by signing this petition and telling Macmillan CEO John Sargent that access to eBooks should not be delayed or denied. We must have #eBooksForAll!
Visit today and share the news widely.”
RF appreciates ALA’s leadership on this effort. Please let your voices, individually and organizationally, be heard.